Marion McCollom Hampton is a Co-Founder of and former Senior Partner at BanyanGlobal. She retired from the partnership in 2022 but retains an advisory and coaching role as a Senior Research Fellow.
Marion has been active in the family business field for forty years. She served on the board of the Family Firm Institute, is an FFI Fellow and received the Richard Beckhard distinguished practitioner award from that organization. She is a co-author of Generation to Generation: Life Cycles of the Family Business as well as the author of many academic and client-friendly articles about family business issues published by Harvard Business Review, Family Business Magazine, Trusts & Estates, Wealth Management, and more.
As an organizational psychologist, Marion brings a behavioral approach to family business client work. She helps families understand their patterns of interaction and develop strategies to work more effectively together. She is interested in how family businesses (family, business, and ownership) evolve through time and in how historical behaviors influence current owner dynamics.
Marion received a PhD in Organizational Behavior from Yale in 1986 and taught for 12 years in the Organizational Behavior department of the Boston University School of Management. She currently lives in Vermont and enjoys tennis, singing, and the outdoors with her dogs.
Read Marion’s “Conversations with Diane” interview on Embracing the Complexity of Families here.
Read Marion’s “Conversations with Diane” interview on This Year’s Prestigious Beckhart Award Won by Banyan Co-Founder here.